The Evening Rig Nothin To Hear Here Is The Best Album No One Told Me About

evening rig
I completely blanked on this record, and no one really told me about it. I had to dig a little deep to get to listen, and once I did, I was completely impressed with the song structures, arrangements, and overall production value of this band. The Evening Rig combines elements of all my favorite bands and yet does something brand new at the same time. They aren’t a hardcore outfit, or a metal band, so if you pegged me as someone that only talks about those genres, you’ve completely missed on a lot of the content that I’ve been writing.

NO THANKS to those applicants that promised to write and didn’t deliver. That’s for another story. The Evening Rig released “Nothin To hear Here” and as I stated, it is the best album that no one told me about, and something you haven’t heard yet. At first listen, you are going to immediately hear shades of The Get Up Kids and their more mature sound, but then you peel away that label and you get things from 238, Vampire Weekend, Cobra Skulls, The Wedding Gift, and even a little bit of country momentum here and there. The songs all work together to demand the listener’s attention as a whole, and not just single parts.

Even though I have my favorite tracks on the record, including, “Pullin’ Strings”, “I Won’t Let You Let Me Down”, “Dear You”, and “Alone Sweet Home”, it progresses in a way that is just unique and well thought out. This band is more than an indie band, and more than a rock group, it’s a well-oiled presentation of rock that has been done correctly. There are moments that you absolutely believe you saw this band play with Lawrence Arms, Pedro The Lion and others, and yet it’s new. It’s fresh, and it’s one of the better albums I’ve heard in some time.

You are going to love this one, as it feels like Hot Rod Circuit and Bruce Springsteen had a child and this came out. I guarantee that fans of Gaslight Anthem are going to eat this up. You get so many different moods in this record, and it all works so wonderfully well. It caught me completely by surprised. When they come around Pomona, I’m stamping my ticket, because I have to see these guys live. It’s one of the best sounding, best written records I’ve heard in a long time. You owe it to yourself to get your hands on this one. You can download it here, and seriously, listen to it, it's awesome.


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