Dr Sounds Explores A Whole Universe on Sounds From Future

Dr. Sounds has been pushing buttons, playing keyboards and delivering an incredible ambient sound since 2009. With the release of “Sounds From Future” the artist takes you on a journey that will catch you off guard. Not since I heard Kavinsky’s release from last year “Outrun” has ambient music sounded this intriguing. It starts with a tone and meditation and drives through areas of the mind with such ease. You’ll swear you’re back playing Mist and exploring new areas of jungle, and fog.

This is not just electronic, in fact it’s not techno. A lot of people immediately assume that this is going to be a bouncing dance mix like that of a club, and while there are variations on the theme it’s not that. This is an all different experience that you will be exploring. The sounds found here mix traditional and ambient noises, or rather soundscapes. It’s not “noise” as much as it is an exploration on theme.

It’s hard to really denote where Dr. Sounds is going in this release, and that’s a good thing. I can definitely see myself on a train, flowing through cinematic and enigmatic exploration. Think of the most iconic and beautiful landscapes and you will start to see some of the incredible layers presented here. This feels like it should be home to a movie soundtrack. Any genre can use these songs, and that’s a testament to the control that the record has. It controls your emotions, but not in a harsh way, as it is unique to the sequencing.

You’ll be completely entranced with the way this flows. It’s fascinating, its strength relies on pure dynamic sound. It’s layered, and complex, and it is not at all what you will expect from electronic music. You owe yourself some time to listen to this. Close your eyes and just move through the offerings here.

You can get this record by clicking here, it’s impressive.

Make sure to take advantage of this cool interactive mashup, where you can enjoy a visual aspect for the track "Magnetic Fields". Patterns are generated from your very own Facebook network. Now that's really cool, check it out here.


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