Susto Brings A Slice of Life Into An Alternative Country Release of Epic Proportions

Traditional country sounds aren’t always booming through my speakers, but when an artist comes around that catches my attention, I don’t discriminate. Susto does something that few artists manage to do today, and that’s release a crossover album that is absolutely stunning. Susto’s self-titled album is one of the best things I’ve heard that mixes genres from rock to country in a very interesting manner. It reminds me of Hank III mixed with 238 and it’s a solid album that features some great sing along lyrics, and some interesting compositions.

The first song captured my attention right away, and I was thrilled to hear the rest. “Black River Gospel” immediately became part of my daily rotation as it is by far one of the best opening songs on any release I’ve heard so far in 2014. I love the lyrics, I love the message, and I can envision the story that is presented through the song. It’s a catchy tune, it’s one of my favorite songs from Susto or any other artist thus far this year.

The music continues through the self-titled released, and you get a more traditional country feel, one that illustrates slices of life, and things only improve and mix genres even more. You’ll find alternative rock, sounds come through and even a bit of Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam at times. The way “Black Jesus” comes through, I’m brought back to a simpler time. In fact, the lyrics is solid, and it absolutely floored me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been compelled to close my eyes and listen to a record, but this is one of those records. The track “Black Jesus” is by far one of the best things you’ll hear this year, bar none.

Susto’s record is a beautiful album. It’s full of life, it’s full of images from life and limb, and it bleeds through the heart. I love it. I’m completely at a loss here, as this is the type of music that should be getting the most praise by music magazines, instead of just me telling everyone I know. Standout tracks include “Black River Gospel, “Black Jesus”, “Cigarettes, Whiskey and Wine”, “La Mia”, “Vampiro 66” and others. This album is a top contender for album of the year for me right now. I’ve made mention in the past reviews that there were some solid indie records, but right now, mark my words, Susto is my top pick for album of the year 2014 so far. I’m impressed. I’m definitely impressed, this is the best record I’ve heard cross platform, and will be listening over and over again. It’s a mix of what makes classic country great, and what makes independent rock music so compelling, and it is just amazing. I’m short of adjectives, because it gripped me so hard. I’m still thinking about the lyrics.

You absolutely owe it to yourself to listen to this record, there’s no better right now.

You can learn more about the band by clicking here for their official website, check out their bandcamp page here, listen via Spotify here, and check them out on tour no matter what you need to do to get to see them.


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