About Sell Out Records

Sell Out Records is a labor of love. It's written by Sir Jorge, a long time music fan. I've written for a lot of different zines and magazines over the years, and decided to branch out on my own blog for a change.

I review everything in a somewhat positive manner.

The reason why I review positives is because there's a lot of sites that are hanging on the negative. I used to write a lot of negative reviews and lambaste music sites that didn't. Today, I try to look for the positive in everything, because music is a very personal thing.

There are some acts that I don't care for, in which case I do not review.

BANDS OF ALL TYPES! Drop me a line and I will review your records. I love music and want to help in any way I can. For FREE! Of course, if you want to give me money, I would love it, as I honestly am broke.

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