Midnight Red Take Me Home is Catchy As Music can Possibly Get

My cat snuck a peak of what I was doing from the window sill, and it was all because Midnight Red’s song “Take Me Home” came on. She chirped a bit before she went back to her business. It’s a contrast in styles from what usually blares through the Sell out Records music player, but there’s something to this song. The single, which is getting a lot of media attention is actually quite good, and catchy. It’s a pop song that has everything you’d want in it, and the tune will forever be engraved you in your head.

I’ll admit, I’m sometimes hard on pop music, but if you put things into context and you understand the bigger picture, than you know what is good and what isn’t. Midnight Red does something quite well, and there’s no denying that they are talented. I’m not a big fan of the genre, but when credit is due, credit is most certainly going to be given. These guys are talented, and the song is by far one of the catchiest songs you’ll hear in a long time.

Skeptics will be quick to agree, after one or two listens of “Take me Home”. Try it on for size with their official video below, and you too will be singing along. I don’t know if my cat likes it though, she seems indifferent. Her name is Sid, and well, she prefers the Sex Pistols, but that’s because she’s old school.


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