Matt Tiller Releases Drops A Killer Release With We're In This Together

Matt Tiller threw me one of the most interesting tracks I’ve heard in a long time. I didn’t know what to expect, as I heard the first track of his latest record. “Awkward EP” got me laughing, and singing along. Tiller has found a way to engage the comedy power of Flight of the Conchords and even a little Weird Al and douse it with a tinge of Ska and even Punk to give you a hilarious track. George Osborne gets absolutely skewered in this track, but in such a funny way, that you will absolutely find it amusing, and poignant all the same.

Matt Tiller has a winning combination here, and if you can’t find yourself singing along to the standout single, then you’re dead inside. Seriously, what’s wrong with you? “We’re In This Together” is one of the best tracks I’ve heard in a long time, and it’s comedy gold, mixed with pop sensibilities that you will definitely love. Aside from this track, you’re going to find that “Awkward EP” is full of smartly tuned comedic elements. “Flat Packing Anger Management”, “Consensual Stalking”, “High As A Kite”, and “Rats” all play very well on the lyrical and emotional levels you’d expect from perfect song writing.

Tiller has found a way to create one of the more memorable batch of songs that I’ve heard in a while. With clever quips, and comedic timing, you’re going to find yourself thrilled with this release, especially the first track which is still stuck in my head. This is an acoustic based record with some sweet honesty at times, and jokes that are definitely going to make you chuckle a bit. This is not all jokes though, there’s some serious thought into the song writing, which I appreciate a great deal.

Matt Tiller’s “Awkward EP” is a great record. It’s funny, it’s sweet, it’s well written, and it’s the kind of record that should very well bring Tiller to the mainstream. If you’re a TV producer reading this, call this guy and have him play “We’re In This Together” on your show. I love it.

Check Out The Music Video For “We’re In This Together (How I Kidnapped George Osborne” and marvel at the greatness of Matt Tiller’s song writing capabilities! Oh and laugh at the jokes, great song, great video, just watch it.

Check out Mat Tiller's latest single via Itunes Here and SoundCloud Here


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