We Have Left Twitter

Sell Out Records is no longer using twitter. After launching a campaign to get more followers, it has been shown to be a page where people are really offensive and offended. It was taken down after a random thought on Ageism turned into a powder keg. Before that was to blow up, it was better to just put it down. 

Just a note about this topic. Since I was 15 years old, I've been told I'm too young. Everything in life is pushed into this category for me, so when I see ageism, I call it out. However, Twitter is not a forum for discussion, and when attacks begin, and people play victim, it looks bad. So it's better to walk away. 

You can still find our Facebook page somewhere, but let's be honest, no one is commenting, reading, or caring about what Sell Out Records is doing on social media. So there's no reason to be there. It's a waste of time. Oh well. 

We previously tried Instagram, Pinterest, and other options, and the same thing happens each time. As soon as you speak up, someone is painted as a "victim" and on comes the arguments. It's not worth it. Let's get back to music reviews, right? I mean, that's the point of Sell Out Records. 

As a person, I'll continue to accept the fact that everyone is "entitled" to an opinion, but will not voice my own in any regards. People can be racist, bigots, ageists, deists, whatever, I'm just not going to stand up against the wind, it's not worth it. 

That's been a personal note. More updates are coming.


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