Dark Matter Fur Fur My God Punishes and Prevails Through Lyricism on A Serious Hip Hop Release

When you get hard hitting hip hop music and rap, you often times get gun violence and the traditional gangster rhymes. Then there are groups that talk about more than that, and they take it very seriously. With Dark Matter’s release of “Fur Fur My God” you get a taste of the darkness, but not in the same light as you may previously have heard from other artists. If you’re a fan of Necro, for instance, you may find yourself compelled to enjoy this one, as the lyricism seems to flow naturally into that violent world, but in a much more cohesive unit.

The beats bring about some nuanced sounds, as you get into the open doorways of “awakened”, and then comes through a very harsh narrative, but one that is not too unlike “Planet Terror” in a way. It’s hard hitting, but with a poetic flare and laid back vocal delivery that you don’t always get with hip hop. It’s hard to find other artists that can progress so flawlessly through the hardest of emotions, especially that of satanic arts.

The tracks continue to flow into demonic verses through, “Devil of deserts”, “Earth is a panopticon”, and “Entranced by Suicide”, along more tracks that definitely stand out on this release. “Fur Fur My God” delights the senses, even if you don’t appreciate the lyrical onslaught that awaits you. There’s certainly a market for this type of rhyming deluge.

As far as hip hop goes, this is an experimental form that is hard hitting, and definitely worth checking out. There’s a load of talent that goes into creating music on this level, and Dark Matter seems to do so with relative ease. The way the words flow quite well, and that’s the best of this. I liked the way the beats work with the laid back flow that seems as though it’s on a whole new level. You’re going to definitely find this interesting, and perhaps even buy into it hook line and sinker.

You can listen to Dark Matter’s “Fur Fur My God” here,  and enjoy the lyrical knockout that comes through on this release.


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