Marty McKay Shatters The Perception of The Rock Genre With Sin’s Disciple

A lot of people talk about genres of music as a singular thing, one genre that defines an artist and that’s a rough thing to do. You are going to find that with the release of “Sin’s Disciple” Zurich based concept artist and musician Marty McKay creates a lavish example of what you can do with creativity on a whole new level. At first glance, you are going to be hard-pressed to call this rap rock or hip hop metal or something that fits McKay in a box. That’s not what you get here, instead, you get a kaleidoscope of genres that mix so well, you’ll swear you’ve heard this before. I can reassure you, you haven’t. McKay has found a way to tap into creativity in a way that most musicians can’t. He’s blended visualizations, literature, hip hop, rock, and pop into a portrait of what he’s thinking. A new world concept with bouncing moments, hard hitting rock tones, and a lot to explore on this release. From the start of “Emptiness Returns” through “Sunder City” and across the board of the ...