Susto Live From The Australian Country Music Hall of Fame Is A Must Listen To Experience

It was last July that I first was introduced to Susto. If you didn’t read my review of their release from last year, then you need to go see it now. I’ll wait. Go HERE . I am a fan of music. I’m a fan of Susto, and now that I’m in the Midwest, I may be able to finally see them perform. But before I get to a show, I wanted to review their latest release. They have a live record out called “Live From The Australian Country Music Hall of Fame” and I love it. That’s right, this release came hitting hard, under the radar of most, but it’s such a powerful live performance. If you’re familiar with the songs from the previous record, then you already know some of these. However, there’s subtle touches, guest performers, and a live, living room feel to the record that makes you reminisce a little. You’re going to want to pour yourself a shot of whiskey, because this will put you in an introspective mood. When you hear the powerhouse of “Black Jesus featuring Johnny Delaware”, "County...